Monday, June 9, 2008

Rockville in Search of New Location

After more than 30 years of operation, Rockville Racquet Club is closed for 2008 as the existing courts have been removed for church construction.

The club is currently searching for suitable land to re-build. Several options are being examined, including one parcel of ground very close to the current location. Once land is secured, the club will be working with members and other interested parties to fund and build a new facility.

The closure was unexpected, as the church that bought the land signed a one-year lease and assured us that the court area would not be needed for construction of its new facility.

In October 2007 the church amended its construction plans and shifted the building 80 feet, meaning the loss of the courts area. Construction began in December 2007 and continues.

We'll be keeping all members and others interested in Rockville Racquet Club advised of progress toward the rebuild.